Thursday, October 22, 2009

Or?perhaps if their music pleased the innkeeper they might have graced this room but only as paid performers and then only if a Guild musician didn't want the job. Or if the innkeeper didn't want.

The usual scavengers were out in force on the water with all manner of implements designed to pull cargo out of the water. One of the scavengers had netted the body and brought it up. As it happened several of the river-rats had recognized who it was immediately though they had no idea that the. order nexium "I am not so certain. Much of what I read in Xomich's mind was confused but there is something about this Empire of Tsuranuanni that makes it unlike any nation we know of there is something very alien about their sense of duty and alliances. I can't tell you how I know but I suspect they may choose to test us first with but a small part of their might. It's as if their attentions are elsewhere and we're an afterthought. " He shook his head in admitted confusion. "I have this sense nothing more. " The Duke sat upright a commanding tone coming into his voice. "We will act. I will send messages to Duke Brucal ! of Yabon and again to Stone Mountain and the Grey Towers. " Aglaranna said "It would be good to hear what the dwarven folk know. " Borric said "I had hoped for word by now but our messengers have not returned nor have the pigeons they carry. " Lyam said "Hawks perhaps. The pigeons are not always reliable or perhaps the messengers never reached the dwarves. " Borric turned to Calin. "It has been forty years since the siege of Carse and we have had little traffic with the dwarves since. Who commands the dwarven clans now?" The Elf Prince said "As then. Stone Mountain is under the banner of Harthorn of Hogar's line at village Delmoria. The Grey Towers rally to the banner of Dolgan of Tholin's line at village Caldara. " "Both are known to me though I was but a boy when they raised the Dark Brothers' siege at Carse " said Borric. "They will prove fierce allies if trouble comes. " Arutha said "What of the Free Cities and the Prince in Krondor?" Borric sat back. "I mus! t think on that for there are problems in the East or so I have word. I will give thought to the matter this night. " He stood. "I thank you all for this counsel. Return to your quarters and avail yourselves of rest and refreshments. I will ask you to consider plans for dealing with the invaders should they come and we will meet again tomorrow. " As the Elf queen rose he offered her his arm then escorted her through the doors that Tomas and Pug held open. The boys were the last to exit. Fannon took Tomas in tow leading him to the soldiers' commons while Kulgan stood outside the hall with Tully and the two elven advisers. The magician turned to his apprentice. "Pug Prince Calin expressed an interest in your small library of magic books. Would you please show them to him?" Pug said he would and led the Prince up the stairs to his door and opened it for him. Calin stepped through and Pug followed.. sfefse55iccuewuw3uht4958je

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