Wednesday, October 21, 2009
You'll see me. " "Why don't you stay where you're put' you idiot? I thought you'd been buried by a sandstorm. " 11 Sorry' Harry. I got interested in something. " Chris Luden was now.
The gin and vermouth was no trick at all. The liquids leapt into the air as he held the uncorked bottles above the bar. And he grew less and less drunk as this went on. Then he stood. lexapro Of the turnip a climbing vine. Months went by; the bloom forsook his cheek the fire faded out of his eye; sighings and abstraction usurped the place of smiles and cheerful converse. But a watchful eye noted these things and in time a motherly sympathy unsealed the secret. Hence the letter to me. She pleaded for attention--she said her boy was dying by inches. "I was a stranger to Mr. Greeley but what of that? The matter was urgent. I wrote and begged him to solve the difficult problem if possible and save the student's life. My interest grew until it partook of the anxiety of the mother. I waited in much suspense. --At last the answer came. "I found that I could not read it readily the handwriting being unfamiliar and my emotions somewhat wrought up. It seemed to refer in part to the boy's case but chiefly to other and irrelevant matters--such as paving-stones electricity oysters and something which I took to be 'absolution' or 'agrarianism ' I could not be certain which; still these appeared to be simply casual mentions nothing more; friendly in spirit without doubt but lacking the connection or coherence necessary to make them useful. --I judged that my understanding was affected by my feelings and so laid the letter away till morning. "In the morning I read it again but with difficulty and uncertainty still for I had lost some little rest and my mental vision seemed clouded. The note was more connected now but did not meet the emergency it was expected to meet. It was too discursive. It appeared to read as follows though I was not certain of some of the words: "Polygamy dissembles majesty; extracts redeem polarity; causes hitherto exist. Ovations pursue wisdom or warts inherit and condemn. Boston botany cakes folony undertakes but who shall allay? We fear not. Yrxwly HEVACE EVEELOJ. ' "But there did not seem to be a word about turnips. There seemed to be no suggestion as to how they might be made to grow like vines. There was not even a reference to the Beazeleys. I slept upon the matter; I ate no supper neither any breakfast next morning. So I resumed my work with a brain refreshed and was very hopeful. Now the letter took a different aspect-all save the signature which latter I judged to be only a harmless affectation of Hebrew. The epistle was necessarily from Mr. Greeley for it bore the printed heading of The Tribune.
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